The Chalmers Foundation strongly values our sponsors and community partnerships. Without them, we couldn't do the important work that we do.

We aim to give back to our supporters by acknowledging their dedication to health care in our community as often as possible, through print media, social media, marketing campaigns and at our various events throughout the year.

We ask that if you do decide to commit to a fundraising project for the Hospital in one of our areas served, that you contact the Foundation to ensure that you received the full benefit of partnering with us.

By registering with the Foundation, we can recognize your efforts by providing:

  • Tools and materials to assist you with your campaign/event
  • Materials and facts about the Chalmers Regional Hospital Foundation and/or specific information about the area/department/unit you choose to support
  • A dedicated staff member to answer questions about fundraising and tax receipting 

By contacting the Foundation first, this will ensure that your event/project will not:

  • Have the potential to adversely affect the image of the hospital and/or Foundation
  • Conflict with the mission and goals of the hospital and/or Foundation
  • Adversely affect the hospital’s or Foundation's long range plan for fundraising and development 

and will ensure that your event/project will:

  • At your own expense, obtain all permits and licenses required by law
  • Have a reasonable chance for success
  • Hold harmless the Chalmers Regional Hospital Foundation from and against all liability, claims, damages or expenses due to or arising from your proposed event

Click here for more information about planning an event for the Chalmers Hospital Foundation

If you wish to host a fundraising event,please fill out this Special_Event_Form.pdf and mail back to the Foundation, email to or fax to (506)452-5904.